Series A&P
The TIG welding torch series A&P provides for the air cooled version up to 220 A capacity and for the water cooled version up to 400 A. The A series requires push-on ceramic nozzles which should be pushed on the brass shaft of the torch. With the bulbous form the gas exits nearly without turbulences.
The P series has screw-on ceramic nozzles which are compatible to the international standard. Many of the wear parts are identical to the SR series. The A&P series come also in a flex version, so that the welder is able to bent the torch in the desired direction without loosing his welding position. The description of the torch will be completed with “F” for flexible.
air cooled DC160A AC120A
air cooled flexible DC160A AC120A
air cooled flexible DC220A AC180A
water cooled flexible DC300A AC250A
air cooled DC220A AC180A
water cooled DC300A AC250A
water cooled flexible DC400A AC360A
water cooled DC400A AC360A
air cooled DC160A AC120A
air cooled flexible DC160A AC
air cooled DC220A AC180A
air cooled flexible DC220A AC180A
water cooled DC300A AC250A
water cooled flexible DC300A AC250A
water cooled DC400A AC360A
water cooled flexible DC400A AC360A